Leicester Business Services

Providing financial consultancy services to SMEs in the East Midlands

Delivered by Managing Director Vernon F R George


Secantor - Expertise to help you drive profitable growth

East Midlands Regional Director for Secantor Ltd

Bank Brokers - International banking consultancy Group

Associate Partner for Bank Brokers Ltd


Training of individuals or teams. Learn the classic techniques to enhance your business deals. Achieving win/win in discussion with suppliers and customers enhances both the deals themselves but also the relationship.

Banking relationships

We can facilitate everything from pricing negotiation, raising finance and support at reviews. We can explain the Banks point of view and suggest enhancements to your Management Information to enhance your relationship with your Manager. In extremis we can even help you find and alternative provider.

Working capital

If you can not immediately get what you need for traditional sources we can help you explore alternatives.


Telephone: 0116 259 3975
Mobile: 07900 896 299
Email: vernon@leicesterbusinessservices.com


© Copyright Leicester Business Services Ltd. 19 Garfield Park, Great Glen, Leicester LE8 9JY.